幾張相自己都覺得no big deal,但一個會尊重人的人,要用到另一個你不認識的人的相,應否禮貌上問准一下別人呢?那個so called大家的網站不問准就貼了出來,表面上都係分享我真的不介意,但未問過就貼都要看是誰這樣做,那個是你?no way!今朝有人告訴我我blog的某些相片被人家轉貼到自己的網站及自己的facebook group,雖說幾張相都係同人分享但未問過我我覺得好不尊重我,所以在facebook他admin的偶像group留言︰
「今日有朋友通知我我先知你係你自己個site同facebook group貼左我影o既star hall相出黎,分享本身無問題,但你無事先問當事人的批准就貼,我覺得你不太道德」
下午再有人告訴我相片已被完全移走,ok起碼有基本的尊重,但原來連我facebook group的留言都delete掉,真係火起,remove了相不代表可以delete我的留言,我有惡言中傷你嗎?你刪除了我今朝的message就當無事發生過?我只覺得你更不尊重我喎!
及後check face book的mail box,原來他有send pm給我
Do let me apologize for any inconvenience I have caused for posting your photos of Star Hall. You are right, I should have asked before posting it, I believe a reference link back to your blog is not enough anymore. I have taken the photos down already either in the blog nor Facebook, unless I have your permission to repost it again.
If you have any concern, please feel free to write to me directly. I am open to any opinion as soon as they are in respectable manner. By no means, I want to hurt anyone nor take any credit from anyone. I don't care how many hits on my site, nor how many members in this group concern me at all. A lesson is learned.
我都懶得覆佢,原來咁就表可以係group到delete我的message,我只想講︰more lesson u should learn!
「今日有朋友通知我我先知你係你自己個site同facebook group貼左我影o既star hall相出黎,分享本身無問題,但你無事先問當事人的批准就貼,我覺得你不太道德」
下午再有人告訴我相片已被完全移走,ok起碼有基本的尊重,但原來連我facebook group的留言都delete掉,真係火起,remove了相不代表可以delete我的留言,我有惡言中傷你嗎?你刪除了我今朝的message就當無事發生過?我只覺得你更不尊重我喎!
及後check face book的mail box,原來他有send pm給我
Do let me apologize for any inconvenience I have caused for posting your photos of Star Hall. You are right, I should have asked before posting it, I believe a reference link back to your blog is not enough anymore. I have taken the photos down already either in the blog nor Facebook, unless I have your permission to repost it again.
If you have any concern, please feel free to write to me directly. I am open to any opinion as soon as they are in respectable manner. By no means, I want to hurt anyone nor take any credit from anyone. I don't care how many hits on my site, nor how many members in this group concern me at all. A lesson is learned.
我都懶得覆佢,原來咁就表可以係group到delete我的message,我只想講︰more lesson u should learn!